Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why the Nicknames?

I've been getting a few raised eyebrows about our nicknames. At some point--I don't remember when or by who--I was given some advice that when posting to a public blog (especially if you're including photographs of yourself or children) you should be careful how much personal information you include. Names, birthdates etc should be avoided. Anyway, don't know if it's that big a deal, but I figured it was probably better to err on the side of safety.


  1. Hi! Good to see you are doing well! Your children are beautiful. I am looking forward to following along :)

  2. You may have noticed that we do the same on our blog, so I think it's great! :)

    I'm planning on watching this month's movie and can't wait! Let's hope Dave feels the same. hehehe!

  3. I think the names are cool! I mentally send big hugs looking at Happy and Punky.
